DPT Board deliberates on key issues
Deendayal Port Trust’s (DPT) Board Meeting No. 5 of 2020-22 was held on December 16, 2020, which saw participation from Mr Sanjay Mehta, IFS, Chairman, along with Trustees Mr Sanjay Bandopadhyaya, IAS, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways (virtual); Mr Nandeesh Shukla, IRTS, Deputy Chairman; Mr T. V. Ravi, IRS, Chief Commissioner (Customs), Kandla; Mr Prabhat Kumar, IRTS, Representative, Western Railway; DIG Rajesh Makwana, Representative, Coast Guard (virtual); Capt. Santoshkumar Darokar, Principal Officer, MMD, Kandla; and Mr L. Satyanarayana, Labour Trustee.
The Board of Trustees and HoDs expressed heartfelt condolence on the sad demise of the wife of Mr L. Satyanarayana, Labour Trustee, and Capt. Ananjay Patel, Surveyor, MMD, Kandla.
The following important items, inter alia, were considered by the Board:
* Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Access Control System at various places at Vadinar, Kandla and Gandhidham of Deendayal Port Trust with comprehensive operation and maintenance contract (Implementation of Phase-I)
* Approval for acceptance of the revised cost for the work of “Providing Rail connectivity to Berth no. 13, 14, 15 & 16 from take-off point to west end of berth at Deendayal Port” by Indian Port Rail Corporation Ltd (IPRCL), at a revised estimated cost of Rs 127.3 crore.
* Board note for acceptance of the revised terms and conditions and acceptance of Revised Commercial Offer of NISG, Hyderabad for “Appointment of Consultant for a) Augmentation of CCTV networks for port assets; (b) Gap Analysis for augmentation of RFID-based IT assets of the port; and (c) Integration/synchronisation with SAP Hana based ERP, P.O.S. & PCS 1x through nomination basis to National Institute for Smart Government, Hyderabad, a Government of India enterprise.
* Tariff Order approved by Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission, Gujarat, applicable for Kandla area for the period from 2016-17 to 2020-21, and levy of fuel and power purchase price adjustment (FPPPA) on consumers from 3rd quarter i.e. 01-10-2020
* Approval for executing the supplementary agreement for extending the period of Agreement executed between Deendayal Port Trust and PTC India Ltd for trading of power on exchange platform through PTC for a further period of one year.
* Concession on vessel related charges for container vessels visiting Deendayal Port.
* Assigning the work of “Techno-economic assessment of relocation of Ro-Ro berth at Dahej” to IITM on nomination basis.
* Development of Marine Liquid Terminal facilities comprising SPM and two Product Jetties in DPT waters at OOT, Vadinar on captive use basis.
* Development of Oil Jetty to handle liquid cargo and Ship Bunkering Terminal at Old Kandla on BoT Basis – Award of Concession.
The Board meeting was held in a very cordial atmosphere and the port’s overall development was the main focus of the deliberations, said a release.