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PM reaffirms his commitment to take India-US Comprehensive Global Strategic Partnership to greater heights in the new term

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NEW DELHI : US National Security Advisor, H.E. Mr. Jake Sullivan, called on Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on Monday. 

NSA Sullivan briefed Prime Minister on the progress in various areas of bilateral cooperation, particularly under the Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technologies (iCET) such as semiconductors, Artificial Intelligence, Telecom, Defence, Critical minerals, Space, among others. 

PM expressed satisfaction at the speed and scale of the growing bilateral partnership in all areas and the convergence of views on regional and global issues of mutual interest.

Prime Minister recalled his recent positive interaction with President Biden at the G7 Summit. PM reaffirmed commitment to continue to strengthen Comprehensive Global Strategic Partnership for the global good and take it to greater heights in the new term.

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