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About Us

India Shipping News is an Online Web Portal which delivers fastest and most relevant current news on Shipping, Logistics, Maritime and Export- Import industry.

Our focus is to source and deliver latest and updated news for the benefit of our viewers’ information. We are here to share authentic and foremost news on regular basis. In presenting cutting-edge information on latest happenings, topical issues, and current trends in the industry in the most possible way. We constantly make efforts to satisfy our viewers with the news related to Shipping / Ports/ Maritime/ Logistics / Trade/ Economy / Export-Import and all the other current updates too.

Our Portal is accessible at anytime throughout the World. Readers can access news from our portal anytime, anywhere, digitally on any smart devices. This guarantees a large, yet targeted audience which means not just more impressions but more impressions to c-level executives, providing the best platform for your online campaign.

The portal is sectioned by comprehensive category and industry sectors which allows for easy access and quick reading, and even further targeting of the market you wish your message to reach.