Rajya Sabha passes landmark ‘Inland Vessels Bill, 2021’ to repeal and replace the existing Inland Vessels Act, 1917
NEW DELHI : Rajya Sabha on Monday passed the Inland Vessels Bill, 2021, which aims to replace over 100 years old Inland Vessels Act, 1917 (1 of 1917) and usher a new era in the inland water transport sector and also to fulfil the vision of the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, to make the Legislative framework user friendly and promote ease of doing business. Shri Sarbananda Sonowal, Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways moved the bill in Rajya Sabha today. Now the bill will be sent for the assent of President of India.
The Bill has already been passed by the Lok Sabha.
Replying to the discussion on the Bill, Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways Sarbananda Sonowal said that he proposed Bill will make inland waterways sector more attractive to investment resulting in more employment opportunities, more avenues and more economic development in the State.
The Minister said that presently navigation of mechanically propelled inland vessels plying in inland waters of the country is governed by the Inland Vessels Act, 1917.
“This Act has become obsolete and inadequate to address the increasing complexities of this sector, and the operational bottleneck which inhibits smooth and inter-state movement of inland vessels across the country,” said Sonowal.
The Minister said that the new Inland Vessels Bill, 2021, is designed to encompass trade and transportation by inland vessels throughout the country without any hindrance and would act as a major agent of national integration.
Source : PIB