Vigilance Awareness Week begins at Paradip Port Trust

PARADIP : As per the directions from Central Vigilance Commission, Paradip Port Trust (PPT) is observing Vigilance Awareness Week from 26th October to 1st November 2021. Centered on the theme “Independent India@75: Self-Reliance with Integrity”, the week-long function started with administering pledge by Shri P.L. Haranadh, Chairman, PPT to the employees, this morning adhering to the Covid-19 protocols. Following the pledge, a spot quiz contest on vigilance knowledge was held among the employees.
Further, with an aim to bring transparency and improve efficiency in the PPT billing system, Shri Haranadh launched “Online Bill processing and payment system” for contactors and vendors of PPT. With induction of the new digital platform the complete billing cycle will reduce to mere two days. Since, it is online system, so the bill processing will be done in a transparent manner with minimal manual interference.
During week long celebrations of Vigilance Awareness Week, online debate competition among the local school students and other activities related to Vigilance Awareness are scheduled. PPT employees are also taking integrity e-pledge through PPT Website and the Website of CVC. Each department of PPT is also conducting stakeholders meet during the week for awareness on corruption issues relating to the functioning of their particular departments. Several Hoardings have been displayed in the locality for creating awareness among the public. The Valedictory function will be held on 1st Nov. 2021, wherein the prizes will be distributed.