Indian Army synergizes logistics with PM Gati Shakti
By Brigadier Atul Kumar, SM
The PM Gati Shakti National Master Plan (PM GS NMP) was launched in Oct 2021 and the National Logistics Policy (NLP) was notified on 17 Sep 2022. In keeping with the national requirements, a PM Gati Shakti cell headed by a Senior Officer has been created in the Army Headquarters under the Directorate General of Operational Logistics and Strategic Move.
Similar architecture has been created in all Headquarters Command and subordinate Headquarters. The Network Planning Group meetings held at Logistics Division/ DPIIT for approving the infrastructure projects are attended by nodal officers. In the ‘Year of Transformation’, Indian Army has aligned its infrastructure requirements to leverage the National Infrastructure Grid being developed as part of PM Gati Shakti.
The National Logistics Policy (NLP) will be the game changer in Defence Logistics. NLP will not only enable integrated framework in national logistics but will also help us in co-sharing space in strategic domain. Defence Logistics cannot beseparately developed from National Logistics and this unification will happen under umbrella framework of NLP. This will bring focus on construction of roads, railways, airfields, habitat, communication network and transportation to meet dual purpose requirements at national and services level. PM GS NMP, a transformational initiative by the government which focuses on economic transformation, seamless multimodal connectivity and logistics efficiency will directly help in bringing sweeping changes in operational logistics philosophy of the Armed Forces.
Of the dual use Army infrastructure requirements discussed in the past one year, approximately 100 proposals have been co-opted in the national infrastructure grid. Border villages identified by Indian Army to be developed as part of Vibrant Villages Programme have been included.

Dual use infrastructure to include approximately 500 border roads, 100 Military/ Base Hospitals and
four strategic railway lines have been uploaded on the PM Gati Shakti NMP portal. This will facilitate
integration of Defence Logistics into the framework of National Logistics for its further leverage to enhance overall Logistics capability and efficiency to ensure true spirit of ‘Whole of Nation’ approach. This will also develop a technologically enabled, cost efficient, resilient, sustainable and trusted logistics ecosystem in the country for accelerated and inclusive growth. The national ‘footprint’ of logistics thus evolved will ensure a seamless and fully networked National Logistics grid, will expedite clearances, increase the availability of fourth party logistics, ensure faster move, multimodality and reduced the overall logistics cost and ensure logistics efficiency.
To optimize the infrastructure requirements of the three services, a Tri Services Infrastructure Portal, akin to PM Gati Shakti is being developed. Also, to ensure wider proliferation and utilization of PM Gati Shakti NMP for integrated planning of dual use infrastructure, approximately 350 officers have been trained in Gati Shakti NMP on iGOT Karmayogi Platform. Capacity Building Workshops have been conducted pan Indian Army and Gati Shakti is being included as a subject in the various military courses of instruction. The Indian Army is fully committed to contribute in the nation building effort, optimizing the expenditure on logistics in-line with the national vision and leverage the upcoming infrastructure to enhance its operational efficiency.
Author :

Brigadier Atul Kumar, SM is the nodal officer of PM Gati Shakti at Army Headquarters and is the Indian Army representative in the NPG meetings.