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Vizhinjam on the rise : Six container ships arriving this week

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THIRUVANANTHAPURAM : Vizhinjam International Seaport to make History with six ships in one week! At least one ship will sail in almost every day. MSC Tavvishi has come already in the dock of the port on Friday, while another one, MSC Capetown III, and MSC Rose moving to near the port and to dock at the port soon.

Capetown III is arriving from Colombo, while Rose is on the way from Singapore. Both the ships are in Indian waters. S Alva, from the UAE, will reach on Sunday. According to sources, around 10 ships have docked at the port so far.

” More ships are arriving as part of the trials and immediately we will not try simultaneous docking of the ships because of its trial phase. Other aspects are being perfected before commissioning,” A port official added.

The Vizhinjam Port plans for quick turnaround of ships so that there will be no congestion at the port like that in Colombo. The Vizhinjam port, being operated and developed by Adani Ports, is will be commissioned next month.

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