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New horizons for sustainable energy: first signatures open the door to innovation in Klaipėda Port

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KLAIPEDA: Some of the most important signatures have been put on the first project for green hydrogen production and refueling stations in Klaipėda and the country. Klaipėda Port Authority has signed a contract with “MT Group”, which will supply the equipment for green hydrogen production and the stationary public refueling stations, as well as assemble it and carry out all startup and adjustment operations.

“Another environmentally friendly form of energy is coming to Lithuania. In a couple of years, we will not only have electricity generated by solar, wind, or other renewable energy sources but also green hydrogen. We are determined not only to create energy that will reduce environmental impact but also to contribute to the development of clean energy in Lithuania and Europe by enabling hydrogen as a sustainable energy source for our ships, transport, and industry”, says Algis Latakas, Director General of Klaipėda Seaport Authority.

The production and supply of green hydrogen in the Port of Klaipėda is planned for 2026. Design work is currently underway and tendering procedures will soon be launched to select a contractor for the site to house the hydrogen production equipment.

In Klaipėda Port, green hydrogen will be produced by electrolysis – using a polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) type electrolyzer. The planned electricity demand for the hydrogen production equipment in the Klaipėda Port is up to 3 MW. It is planned to produce around 500 kilograms of hydrogen per day and up to 127 tonnes per year.

In Europe, there are now around 200 hydrogen refueling stations, powering ships, cars, and other vehicles, and hydrogen is being tested for heating homes. The green hydrogen produced in the Port of Klaipėda will primarily be used for port purposes: a vessel is being built to collect waste from ships leaving and arriving in the port and will be powered by green hydrogen produced in the port. The rest of the hydrogen produced will be used to refuel other vehicles – ships, railways, and land-road vehicles. Hydrogen will be available for public transport and to refuel private cars. An agreement has been signed with one of the stevedoring companies operating in the Port of Klaipėda, which would like to use hydrogen for its locomotives. Some companies are showing interest because they see the potential and plan to use hydrogen in their transport parks in the future.

The environmental impact assessment procedures for the project were finalized in May this year. The Environmental Protection Agency has approved a green hydrogen production and supply project in the Port of Klaipėda. The equipment will be installed and the green hydrogen will be produced at the Port Authority’s fleet base (Nemuno g. 40, Klaipėda). Approval has also been given for the design proposals for green fuel (hydrogen) production and refueling stations in the Port of Klaipėda.

The Environmental Impact Assessment report estimates that around 22-23 liters of water are needed to produce one kilogram of hydrogen. To produce 500 kilograms of hydrogen per day in the Port of Klaipėda, approximately 11m3 of water will be needed. With the plant operating at full capacity and producing around 127 tonnes of hydrogen per year, the water demand will be around 4 200m3. This includes water for hydrogen production, water demineralization, and plant cooling. If we compare this water consumption with a standard car wash, the green hydrogen production in the port will use about 10 times less water than a car wash.

The contract, commits the contractor to deliver the equipment for the green hydrogen production and public refueling station, to install the electrical, automation, and safety systems, to carry out all commissioning and debugging works, and to provide after-sales service for the first two years, amounts to €8.7 million excluding VAT.

“Klaipėda Port, as a strategic transport hub of the country, has great potential to become the flagship of green technologies in the Baltic region. We are delighted that “MT Group” has been selected to carry out one of the first green hydrogen projects in the Baltic States, which will be built in the Port of Klaipėda. We congratulate the Port of Klaipėda for its strong commitment to sustainable green energy and climate change, in particular by taking the lead in implementing the first pilot project, which will be a benchmark for other hydrogen projects in the region. We will use the most advanced technologies that will not only ensure the maximum capacity of the green hydrogen station but also meet the strictest safety and quality requirements,” says Mindaugas Zakaras, CEO of “MT Group”.

The green hydrogen production and refueling station projects in the Port of Klaipėda will be partly financed by the European Union Investment Programme 2021-2027 and the Economic Recovery and Resilience Plan “New Generation Lithuania”. The total value of the hydrogen production and refueling stations project is expected to be around EUR 10.5 million. The EU will finance around EUR 6 million of the project.

Hydrogen (H2) is a colorless, odorless gas. It is the most abundant chemical element in the Universe. Hydrogen is the most common element in water, minerals, and acids, forming a variety of chemical compounds with other elements. Today, hydrogen is gaining ground around the world as an environmentally friendly fuel for ships, trucks, cars, appliances, and even home heating.

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