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97.17% railway line electrification done in Gujarat ; 3187 km of 3972 km electrified under Modi in Centre

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GANDHINAGAR : India celebrated 100 years of its first-ever electric train on Monday. Over the past century, the nation has electrified 64,547 km of its total broad gauge railway network. Of this, 3,972 km have been electrified in Gujarat, covering over 97% of the state’s broad gauge railway network as of 3rd February 2025.

As per the latest figures on December 31, 2024, Gujarat has a total of 4,087 km of broad gauge railway lines, out of which 3,972 km have been electrified, leaving only 115 km without electrification. The electrification of railway line makes it possible to operate electric engine run trains. Apart from overhead electric line, substations are also required at places to make this possible. In a latest, the Ahmedabad Himmatnagar Udaipur Railway Line electrification project is completed.

Notably, as of April 1, 2014, only 785 km were electrified in Gujarat, according to government data. This means that around 3,187 km—nearly 80% of the state’s broad gauge network—has been electrified since Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi took office in 2014.

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