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India imposes anti-dumping duty on Trichloro Isocyanuric Acid imported from China and Japan

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NEW DELHI : The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has notified the levy of anti-dumping duty on imports of TrichloroIsocyanuric Acid (TCCA) imported from China and Japan.

The anti-dumping duty has been imposed on TCCA classified under tariff items 2933 69 10 and 2933 69 90 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975.

The anti-dumping duty will remain in effect for five years from the date of notification unless revoked or amended earlier. The exchange rate for calculating the duty will be based on the Government of India’s specified rates at the time of customs clearance.

Bodal Chemicals Limited, the only producer of TCCA products in India as of now, is producing TCCA at its Unit 11, located Neja, Khambhat. This will help Bodal Chemicals to add Rs.50 to Rs.60 crore per annum in total turnover starting from financial year 2025 – 2026. This will also help to improve bottom line of the company.

TCCA is a chemical compound commonly used as a disinfectant, bleaching agent and water treatment chemical. TCCA is a powerful oxidizing agent and is widely used in swimming pools, as well as for industrial water treatment and sanitation.

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