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Hapag-Lloyd announces new GRI/GRA from India & Pakistan to the US East Coast

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HAMBURG : Hapag-Lloyd announced General Rate Increase (GRI) / General Rate Adjustment (GRA) from India Zone 1* and Pakistan to the US East Coast for cargo transported in 20’ and 40’ Dry, Reefer and Special containers, including High Cube equipment is coming up.

This GRI / GRA adjustment is applicable to all containers gated in full from April 15, 2025, and is valid until further notice.

Amounts will be applicable as follows:

India Zone 1* & Pakistan to US East Coast:

  • USD 500 per Container

For your reference, the geographical scope of this GRI is explained below:

*India Zone 1:Nhava Sheva, Mundra, Hazira, Pipapav

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