ACBA & FIEO jointly organized Webinar on Export of Goods under Customs, FTP, GST and FEMA

AHMEDABAD : Ahmedabad Custom Brokers’ Association (ACBA) and The Federation of Indian Export Organizations (FIEO) jointly organized a Web Conference on “Export of Goods Under Customs, FTP, GST and FEMA”, on 27th August, 2021 from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm. There were more than 128 participants from Exporters, Importers, Custom Brokers, Exim professionals and Tax Consultants present during the said Web Conference and this Conference was extremely beneficial to them.
At the welcome address, Dr. Darshan Mashroo, Hon. Secretary, ACBA informed that there are several recent changes taken place in Customs, FTP, GST and FEMA which need to be imperatively understood in detail and by that way the Session would be made more beneficial to Exporters, Importers and all the Stakeholders.
Further, in this Session, the presentation made by Mr. Sree Ram Kaza, Vice-President (Indirect Taxation), Intas Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. who was Speaker of the Web Conference, explained in detail about export of goods under Customs, FTP, GST and FEMA, respectively and each and every aspect of the same was illustratively made understood so as to be more aware while doing the export/import business.
After completion of the Session, certain queries were raised by the participants and more effectively explained in detail by Mr. Kaza.
Vote of thanks was given by Mr. Jay Prakash Goel, Head (Gujarat), FIEO (WR). He thanked all the participants for sparing their valuable time and he extended his best wishes to Mr. Kaza and is looking forward to organize such programmes in future.
The programme was highly appreciated by everyone and expected more such informative programmes in future.
Source : ACBA