APM Terminals Chief Executive outlines efforts to ‘Power India’s Maritime Growth’ at GMIS 2023
MUMBAI : Lifting the standard of efficiency, sustainability and responsibility will unlock a world of opportunities in, and for, India – that’s according to a senior executive, speaking at the Global Maritime India Summit (GMIS) in Mumbai this week where APM Terminals signed two Memorandums of Understanding.
The first, with the Indian Ports Association supports the sharing of global best practices and capabilities in Ports/Terminals in India through knowledge sharing in line with Maritime India Vision 2030 and Vision 2047 of Major Ports in India. The second, with the Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority, relates to an investment to enhance logistics efficiency, promoting green initiatives and developing best in class Port and terminal infrastructure.

Jonathan (Jon) Goldner, Chief Executive – Asia and Middle East, addressed a joint session at the event by outlining the recipe for efficient port productivity.
Lifting industry standards
“The key to success is not just about physical infrastructure, it’s about the values we bring and how our people are lifting industry standards for the benefit of our customers,” he told conference goers.
“Over the past years we’ve trained thousands of employees at our terminals to use Lean business methodologies in their everyday work. This helps them identify waste – both time and materials – that can help lift the standard of efficiency for our customers and reduce our impact on the environment. In doing this, employees at every level of the organisation feel empowered.”
Just this month, a team at APM Terminals Pipavav were recognised for an initiative that reduced power use, associated emissions and costs by around USD60,000 annually. This was achieved by altering the Printed Circuit Board of more than 200 air conditioners around the Port, to a fixed temperature of 24 degree Celsius.
“It’s also about raising the levels of corporate social responsibility – and improving life for all. Delivering excellence means bringing hearts – as well as brains – to the game,” he said.
Community support
APM Terminals in Pipavav and Mumbai run community initiatives that reach hundreds of villages and 100s of thousands of villages around the ports. Much of the focus is on education and skills development, particularly for women, but also extend to the provision of ambulances, eye check-ups, access to clean water, medical facilities and more.
In Mumbai, host city for the conference, APM Terminals is currently investing US$115 million in infrastructure development that will increase its container handling capacity. The company is investing in Ship-to-Shore (StS) cranes and Rail Mounted Gantry (RMG) cranes. The investment will enable the terminal to accommodate changing customer needs for larger vessel capability. With this investment, the container handling capacity of APM Terminals Mumbai will increase by 10% to 2.18 million TEUs.
Net zero emissions by 2040
During the session Goldner also highlighted how India is making significant contributions to APM Terminals industry leading global commitment to reach Net Zero emissions by 2040 and achieve a 70% reduction by 2030.
“In Mumbai,” he commented, “APM Terminals recently signed a power purchase agreement to set up a captive solar plant that will reduce the terminal’s carbon footprint by 44%, while meeting 80% of its energy needs.”
“In Pipavav, we have also signed a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Cleanmax to reduce our CO2 emission by 6.6k tons annually,” he said. This was in addition to a rooftop solar array installed in 2022, which provides around 10% of the Ports electricity.
The company is backing cost-efficient, fast, safe, reliable, and friendly rail connections via the Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC). In addition, Very Large Gas Carrier (VLGC) operations commence this year, supported by dedicated Rail LPG handling facility, while the construction of a new liquid berth (US$ 90 million) has also been approved.
“With these advances and more, we are helping our customers stay ahead of the curve in our operations in both Mumbai and Pipavav,” he said. “Together we can help grow the Indian economy and improve the livelihoods of thousands of families.”
Goldner was speaking during a GMIS 2023 special session on Powering India’s Maritime Growth, Chaired by Gujarat’s Finance Minister, Shri Kanubhai Mohanlal Desai.