Container ships in Suez Canal decreases
CAIRO : Live traffic of Container Ships through the Suez Canal and reroutings via the Cape of Good Hope shows the split between different vessel segments when it comes to the impact of the Red Sea crisis on the global fleet, according to Alphaliner.

The weekly throuhput of the Suez Canal for Container Ships has registered a decrease from 54 vessels in late November to 38 and 37 over the past two weeks.
As is the trend in recent times, 73% of the vessels crossing the Canal in either direction during this period were sub-Panamax carriers of less than 4,000 TEU capacity.
Container Ships between 4,000 and 7,500 TEU capacity accounted for 15% of the overall traffic through the Suez, while the remaining 12% were vessels between 7,500 and 18,000 TEU capacity.
Not a single ULCS Megamax Container Ship of 18,000 or more TEU capacity has traversed the Canal over the past 40 weeks.
Alphaliner’s AXSInsights module allows you to monitor global chokepoints’ traffic in real time.
Source : Alphaliner