DGFT enhances trade facilitation with amendments in Para 4.06 and Para 4.14 of the Handbook of Procedures 2023
NEW DELHI : The DGFT issued Public Notice No. 15/2023 dated March 14, 2024, which amends Para 4.06 and Para 4.14 of the Handbook of Procedures 2023. This amendment aims to streamline and automate the process for the fixation of norms and notification of new Standard Input-Output Norms (SIONs) under the Advance Authorisation Scheme, enhancing ease of doing business and facilitating trade.
In exercise of powers conferred under Paragraph 1.03 and 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2023, as amended from time to time, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendments in the provisions of Para 4.14 and 4.06 of the Handbook of Procedures 2023:
(A) Under Para 4.14 of HBP 2023, new sub-para (iii) is added as mentioned below:
(iii) Ad-hoc Input Output Norms may also be decided in a rule based IT environment without reference to Norms Committee. However, a certain percentage of cases as flagged by the RMS may be referred to Norms Committee for validation/review.
(B) A new sub para 4.06 (vii) of HBP 2023 is inserted as below:
4.06 (vii) In cases where ad-hoc norms have already been arrived at by Norms Committee, the Norms Committee may recommend Notification of SION on a case to case basis.
Effects of this Public Notice: Para 4.06 and Para 4.14 of the Handbook of Procedures 2023 have been amended to streamline and automate the process of fixation of Norms and Notification of new SIONs under Advance Authorisation Scheme, for ease of doing business and trade facilitation.