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Directorate General of GST Intelligence to have 1st digital forensic lab in Gujarat

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AHMEDABAD : The Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI) has got its first digital forensic lab in Ahmedabad, which will help it in detecting instances of tax evasion more efficiently and ensure better recovery backed by digital evidence. The lab with sophisticated data handling and retrieval tools is well equipped to combat complex financial crimes and has the latest advanced data analytics tool to take preventive anti-evasion measures. It was formally handed over to the DGGI last week.

“The facility will be used by DGGI but the aim is to also allow the preventive field formations to use it,” a senior official said, adding, “some complex cases may be referred to it”. The Ahmedabad lab is the first of five digital labs to be set up by DGGI. The other four labs will be based in New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai.

The labs in Delhi and Chennai are expected to commence operations before March, while the ones in Mumbai and Kolkata are expected to be operational by June, the official said.

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