DPT held its Board meeting with agenda of Port’s overall development
The Deendayal Port Trust Board Meeting No.06 of 2020-22 was held on 19.02.2021. The following trustees, apart from Shri Sanjay Mehta, IFS, Chairman attended the meeting.
Shri Nandeesh Shukla, IRTS, Dy. Chairman, DPT
Shri Arvind Chaudhary, Economic Adviser, Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways
Shri Bibhash Kumar Thakur, IFS, Ministry of Env., Forests & Climate Change
Shri Prabhat Kumar, IRTS, Rep. Western Railway
Shri DIG Rajesh Makwana, Rep. Coast Guard
Shri T. Ravi, Commissioner of Customs, Kandla
Capt. Santoshkumar Darokar, MMD, Kandla
Shri L. Satyanarayan, Labour Trustee
The Chairman, Dy. Chairman and Board of Trustees of DPT welcomed Shri Arvind Chaudhary, Economic Adviser, Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways, Govt. of India to the Board of DPT.
Following important items, inter alia, were considered by the Board:-
Awarding the work of Construction of Jetty for Indian Coast Guard at Off-Shore Oil Terminal Department, Vadinar
Development of integrated facilities within the existing Deendayal Port Trust (Erstwhile Kandla Port Trust) at Dist. Kutch, Gujarat – Environment and CRZ Clearance – Assigning the work of mangrove plantation to GEC on nomination basis in an area of 100 ha. in compliance of stipulated conditions
Engagement of Students as Trainees who have passed the Intermediate Examination of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India under Practical Training Scheme
Development of multipurpose cargo berth off Tuna Tekra outside Kandla Creek at Kandla on BOT basis- Approval of Draft feasibility report, PPPAC Memorandum, Draft RFP, Draft Concession Agreement (DCA) & Draft RFQ
Development of Container Terminal at Tuna-Tekra, Deendayal Port on BOT basis under PPP mode – Approval of Draft feasibility report, PPPAC Memorandum, Draft RFP, Draft Concession Agreement (DCA) & Draft RFQ
Laying two additional pipeline on/along their existing pipeline corridor in DPT limit at OOT Department, Vadinar by M/s. Nayara Energy Limited
Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Access Control System at various places at Vadinar, Kandla and Gandhidham of Kandla Port Trust with Comprehensive Operation and Maintenance Contract (Implementation of Phase-I)
Proposal for formation of “Training Center for Safety and Productivity Re-Engineering”
E-Tender cum E-Auction for allotment of plot no. 8, admeasuring 11,695.00 sq. mtrs. (including structures) situated to the west of link road connecting Old Kandla for Construction of liquid chemical storage installation on 30 years lease basis.
Approval of Excess Variation for the work of “Providing lighting arrangements on the stretch of 4.5 kms area from Kutch Salt to West Gate No.2
Revision of terms and conditions for Engagement of Pilot on contract basis for Kandla / Vadinar Pilotage Operations w.e.f. 01/08/2021
Dredging in the Navigational Channel & Alongside Cargo Berths/Oil Jetties at Kandla Port Trust for the year 2017-20
Development, Operation and Maintenance of Container Terminal at Berth Nos. 11 & 12 at Kandla port on PPP mode’- approval for replacement of one RMQC and allotment of additional land for additional container yard by M/s KICTPL
Allotment of Covered Godowns for storage of Agri-Products
Operation of Ferry services from Dahej, Dist: Bharuch Gujarat – Award of contract on Nomination basis to commence operation of ferry services from Dahej Terminal
Operation of Ro-Ro Ferry Service between Dahej and Ghogha – Award of contract on Nomination basis for carrying out Bathymetry Survey Work at Dahej
Exemption of Special Port Service charges on Rail bound / Rail borne cargo passing through the Port
Grant of permission for “Replacement of existing 8-inch diameter pipeline with 14-inch diameter pipeline from terminal of Naranbhai P. Patel to ‘Y’ Junction”.
The Board Meeting was held in a very cordial atmosphere and the Port’s overall development was the main focus of deliberations.