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Drewry: World Container Index down 7% Last Week

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LONDON : For many years, World Container Index has been the go-to, independent, global reference for index-linked contracts. If your organisation is considering index-linked contracts or requires regional visibility/coverage beyond the eight trade lanes provided below, or would like to learn more, please contact our team of ocean freight cost benchmarking and procurement specialists.

Drewry’s World Container Index decreased 7% to $2,368 per 40ft container this week.

Drewry’s detailed assessment for Thursday, 13 March 2025

  • The Drewry WCI composite index fell 7% to $2,368 per 40ft container, 77% below the previous pandemic peak of $10,377 in September 2021 and the lowest since January 2024. However, the index was 67% higher than the average $1,420 in 2019 (pre-pandemic).
  • The average YTD composite index closed at $3,205 per 40ft container, $321 higher than the 10-year average of $2,884 (inflated by the exceptional 2020-22 Covid period).
  • Freight rates from Shanghai to Genoa decreased 11% or $412 to $3,333 per 40ft container, while rates from Shanghai to Los Angeles fell 8% or $260 to $2,906 per 40ft container. Similarly, rates from Shanghai to New York reduced 7% or $282 to $4,038 per 40ft container and those from Shanghai to Rotterdam dropped 5% or $124 to $2,512 per 40ft container. Conversely, rates from Rotterdam to Shanghai, New York to Rotterdam and Rotterdam to New York increased 1% to $490, $854 and $2,373 per 40ft container. Meanwhile, rates from Los Angeles to Shanghai remained stable. Drewry expects rates to recede from next week as shipping capacity increases.

Source: Drewry

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