Further extension of SCMTR implementation date
NEW DELHI : The Sea Cargo Manifest and Transhipment Regulations (SCMTR),has got an announcement by the Union Ministry of Finance for further extension of the implementation date – on May 31, 2021 instead of April 15 as was intimated previously, it is learnt.
The Sea Cargo Manifest and Transhipment Regulations (SCMTR), 2018 have been issued under statutory provisions of the Customs Act, 1962. The regulations seek to bring about transparency, predictability of movement and advance collection of information for expeditious clearance, as per an official communiqué.
It supersedes the earlier regulations viz. Import Manifest (Vessels) Regulations, 1971 and Export Manifest (Vessels) Regulation, 1976. The new regulations stipulate for advance notice by authorised carriers for goods arriving in or being exported out of India through gateway sea ports. It stipulates the obligations, roles and responsibilities for the various stakeholders involved in the movement of Customs cargo.
As per the communiqué, the relevant stakeholders include Authorised Sea Carrier (including shipping line), Authorised Sea Agent (steamer/shipping agent), Authorised Carrier (transhipper and other notified carriers), Terminal Operator, Custodian.