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India considers providing Rs 1,500 crore to Bhutan

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NEW DELHI : India has agreed to positively consider providing Rs 1,500 crore to Bhutan as part of the Economic Stimulus Programme in the next 18 months, the two governments said on Saturday at the end of Foreign Secretary Vikram Misri’s visit and his wide-ranging talks with the Himalayan nation’s leadership.
Misri, who was on his first foreign visit within days of his taking charge last week, reviewed the implementation modalities and cooperation in diverse areas of the India-Bhutan development partnership with his Bhutanese counterpart Aum Pema Choden.

The joint press release highlighted the exemplary partnership characterised by trust, goodwill and mutual understanding at all levels, strong bonds of friendship and close people-to-people contacts and said, the two sides held wide-ranging discussions on all aspects of bilateral cooperation.

The issues covered under the bilateral cooperation include development partnership, energy, trade and investment, connectivity and trade infrastructure, technology, people-to-people ties, as well as other regional issues of mutual importance, the joint press release issued by New Delhi and Thimphu said.
Misri, who was here for a two-day official visit at the invitation of his counterpart Aum Pema Choden, received an audience with Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, the King of Bhutan; called on Dasho Tshering Tobgay, Prime Minister and D N Dhungyel, Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade on Friday. On Saturday, Misri and Choden co-chaired the 3rd India-Bhutan Development Cooperation Talks – commonly called ‘Plan Talks’ – of the 13th Five Year Plan, which focus on developmental cooperation and mutual interests.

A total of 61 projects amounting Nu 49.58 billion (Rs 4,958 crore), covering sectors such as connectivity, infrastructure, energy, skill development, education, health, and cultural heritage were approved by the two sides.

The two sides also approved projects involving capacity building, industrial parks, sports, youth exchanges, digital economy, e-mobility, and space technology were approved by the two sides, in line with the vision of the King of Bhutan, and the priorities of the government and the people of Bhutan, the release said.

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