India ranks 38 on World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index Report 2023
NEW DELHI : Union Minister of State for Commerce and Industry, Shri Som Parkash informed in a written reply in the Lok Sabha that, India has been ranked 38 out of 139 countries according to the World Bank’s ‘Logistics Performance Index Report (2023). India’s rank has improved by six places from 44 in 2018 and sixteen places from 54 in 2014.
An Inter-Ministerial dedicated team comprising of Stakeholder Ministries has been formed. These stakeholder Ministries focus on targeted action plans with interventions needed to improve logistics performance across all six LPI parameters i.e. Customs, Infrastructure, Ease of arranging shipments, Quality of logistics services, Tracking and Tracing, and Timeliness.
In addition, the National Committee for Trade Facilitation (NCTF) has a three-tiered structure, constituting of a National Committee on Trade Facilitation, a Steering Committee, and Focused Working Groups (Outreach, Legislative Issues, Time Release Study, Infrastructure Up-gradation, PGA regulation and procedure). Concerning NTFAP 2020-23, 27 action points have been identified under the working group on infrastructure gradation.
Prime Minister launched the PM GatiShakti National Master Plan for multimodal connectivity on 13 October 2021 and National Logistics Policy on 17th Sept. 2022, for improving logistics efficiency and reducing logistics costs. Digital reforms such as the Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP) for ease of doing business and Logistics Data Bank which has digitized track and trace of 100% containerized EXIM cargo, are presently operational. In addition, the line Ministries are taking various measures, which include:
- Expansion of electrification of railway tracks by MoR;
- The Land Ports Authority of India (LPAI) has reduced the average intervention;
- NLP Marine, which is a single window interface platform for port-related logistics operations, has been launched by MoPSW. In addition, the automation of weighbridges is being undertaken; to name a few key initiatives.