JSW Infra Q4 Results : Net Profit Jumps 10% To Rs 330 Crore
MUMBAI : JSW Infrastructure on Friday reported its fourth-quarter results, showcasing a robust consolidated net profit surge to Rs 330 crore, marking a notable 10% increase compared to the corresponding quarter last year. This surge is a testament to the company’s resilience and strategic prowess amidst a challenging economic landscape.
JSW Infra has announced a dividend of Rs. 0.55 per Equity Share of Rs. 2 (27.5%) for shareholders, to be declared at the upcoming Annual General Meeting.
Total income increased to Rs 1,200.30 crore from Rs 973.20 crore in the year-ago period. Total expenses also rose to Rs 782.93 crore from Rs 677.77 crore. The company’s board has recommended a dividend of 55 paise per share.
In a separate statement, the company said it handled cargo volume of 29.3 million tonnes (MT) during the quarter, which is higher by 9 per cent year-on-year. The increase in volume is primarily on the back of increased capacity utilisation at the Paradip Coal Terminal and Mangalore Coal Terminal.
The third-party volume grew 35 per cent year-on-year and the share of third-party in the overall volumes stood at 46 per cent against 37 per cent a year ago.
During the period, the company won a bid for a 7 million tonne per annum dry bulk terminal in Tuticorin through PPP (public-private partnership) mode and signed concession agreement with Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority for two liquid berths of 4.5 mtpa. As of March 31, its gross debt was at Rs 4,381 crore.
JSW Infrastructure, a part of JSW Group, is India’s second-largest private commercial port operator. The company listed on the bourses in October 2023. It aims to increase its cargo handling to 400 mtpa by FY 2030 or earlier from the existing 170 mtpa.