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Launch of FEDERALBOXX in India : The World’s First Unified Digital Networking Shipping Platform

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NEW DELHI : FEDERALBOXX announce the launch of their services in India. FEDERALBOXX is the world’s first unified digital networking shipping platform. This revolutionary platform is set to transform the global shipping industry by providing seamless connectivity, real-time tracking, and enhanced efficiency.

The inauguration of FEDERALBOXX was a momentous occasion, graced by our distinguished guests and dignitaries:

Chief Guest & Guest of Honor:

Honorable Deputy Prime Minister of Timor-Leste 🇹🇱
Shri Lumbaram Choudhary, Member of Parliament, Rajasthan
Shri Jitender Singh Shunty, Ex MLA Delhi, Padma Shri Awardee

Special Guests:

HE Harisoa Lalatiana Accouche, High Commissioner of Seychelles 🇸🇨
HE Haymandoyal Dillum, High Commissioner of Mauritius 🇲🇺
Tsiory, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Madagascar 🇲🇬
HE Ambassador Flemingo Duarte, Ambassador of Paraguay 🇵🇾 to India 🇮🇳
HE Ambassador Fernando Bucheli, Ambassador of Ecuador 🇪🇨
HE Thabang Linus Kholumo, Counsellor / Trade & Investment / Head of Chancery, Kingdom of Lesotho 🇱🇸

The event, held in New Delhi, INDIA, marked a significant milestone in the advancement of digital solutions for the shipping sector. FEDERALBOXX is designed to address the complex challenges of the modern shipping industry, offering a comprehensive suite of features that streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve reliability. By integrating cutting-edge technology with user-friendly interfaces, FEDERALBOXX enables stakeholders across the shipping ecosystem to collaborate effectively, ensuring smoother logistics and faster turnaround times.

The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister of Timor-Leste, along with other esteemed guests, praised the innovation and foresight behind FEDERALBOXX, highlighting its potential to boost the economy and enhance global trade connections. This groundbreaking platform embodies the future of shipping, setting a new standard for digital networking and operational excellence.

Join us in celebrating this pioneering achievement and explore the possibilities with FEDERALBOXX, the future of global shipping

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