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Modi 3.0 gets feedback on key schemes; focus on jobs, Credit for MSME, Export push, PLI review

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NEW DELHI : The newly formed NDA Government has received specific feedback based on which it may take up key proposals to expand and review its flagship developmental programmes, including ramping up allocations, focus on job creation and a comprehensive review of the PLI Scheme, sources told.

One of the feedback items proposes to expand the Aspirational District Programme beyond 500 districts, and increase allocation to the scheme. Centre has also received feedback on the need to revamp the Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), to bring in focus on entrepreneurship and job creation, it is learnt.

The Atal Innovation Mission was initiated in 2016 to be a focal point for innovation and entrepreneurship in the country. The government could also consider steps to boost the availability of credit for MSMEs and could set up an institute on the lines of NABARD to focus on increased credit and boost exports, sources familiar with the development told.

PM Modi had earlier highlighted the success of the Aspirational Districts Programme in 112 districts and announced its expansion to uplift more areas, promising a review of progress in 2024.

The proposals sent to the government include the need to further provide indemnity to banks that have extended credit to the MSME sector, sources told the TV channel.

A comprehensive review of the PLI Scheme could also be in order, with five years having passed since the PLI proposals were first initiated. The focus on PLIs could be to consider backward linkages with MSMEs, with focus on industries that can create more jobs.

The plan for the next 100 days of Modi government will be presented before the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) and then the Union Council of Ministers next week, News18 reported.

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on June 10 signed his first file authorizing the release of the 17th instalment of the PM Kisan Nidhi scheme. The move is expected to benefit over 9.3 crore farmers and will see the disbursement of over Rs 20,000 crore.

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