MSC adds eastbound call in Cape Town on IAS India-Africa Service
GENEVA : MSC is delighted to announce that the IAS India-Africa Service (IAS) connecting trade between West and South Africa, the Gulf, and India will be improved to provide Cape region exporters greater access to global markets.
This IAS service will replace the current call in Coega with a call in Cape Town (eastbound) ultimately providing customers with a direct connection between Cape Town and Jebel Ali / Abu Dhabi dedicated to the reefer cargo.
Additionally, the service enhancement will provide Cape region fruit exporters with additional trade access to markets in the Gulf and IPAK region. Find out more on MSC’s reefer solutions for your fruit and vegetables.
The enhanced rotation will start with MSC CANCUN voyage number IW452R, calling CAPE TOWN on 11 January and rotate as follows:
Jebel Ali – Abu Dhabi – Sohar – Mundra – Nhava Sheva – Colombo – Lome – Cotonou – Abidjan – Tema – Cape Town – Jebel Ali