MSC announces implementation of Oceania PSS
GENEVA : MSC has announced a Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) effective 1 July 2024, due to robust demand in the Oceania region.
The surcharge will apply to all shipments originating from Australia and New Zealand to various destinations including Europe, the United Kingdom, Africa, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, Canada, Mexico, Caribbeans, Central America, South America (both coasts), Middle East, Indian Subcontinent and Asia.
The PSS rates will be as follows:
- For Europe, the United Kingdom, Africa, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, Canada, Mexico, Caribbeans, Central America and South America (both coasts) ports of discharge (PODs), the surcharge will be US$1,100 per TEU and US$1600 per FEU across all equipment types.
- For Middle East PODs, the PSS will be US$700 per container for all equipment types.
- For Indian Subcontinent PODs, the PSS will be US$500 per container for all equipment types.
- For Asia PODs, the PSS will be US$300 per container for all equipment types.