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PortXL welcomes cohort of 10 start-ups and scale-ups at 2024 kick-off event

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ROTTERDAM : Dutch maritime start-up accelerator PortXL presented its 2024 cohort at the RDM, the Rotterdam space for innovative companies, technology education, high-quality test facilities and field labs. Ten start-ups and scale-ups presented themselves and were connected to partners, mentors and members of the Rotterdam and Dutch innovation ecosystem, that will assist them in the coming months.

Mitja Caboni, Acceleration Manager at PortXL introduced the new cohort and Linda Treuman, Community Manager, assigned mentors to them at the Matchmaking Monday mentor lunch session. Several PortXL alumni shared their experiences with the new cohort. Later in the day, representatives of PortXL’ s partners and other stakeholders also joined in to ‘meet and greet’ and learn about the new technologies.

For the partners and PortXL’s team this was the conclusion of months of gathering industry questions and problems, and finding and evaluating start-ups and scale-ups to match these challenges. In the coming months the innovators will go through the programme with the goal of collaborating with industry players, pilot projects, investments and more.

Christel Pullens, Director at PortXL says: “We are proud and excited to welcome these ten innovators to the PortXL programme and ecosystem and look forward to guiding them to both a higher level of maturity and to collaborations and customers.”


Since 2015, PortXL has facilitated the growth of more than 120 start-up and scale-up companies. Working in close cooperation with its industry partners – lead partners Port of Rotterdam and Van Oord, City of Rotterdam, Damen Shipyards, GTT and MINDbase – PortXL’s range of focus concentrates on the sustainable maritime, energy, logistics, and even defence sectors.

The 10 start-ups/scale-ups

  1. Akros Energy  https://akros-energy.de/akros-energy-hydrogen-storage/
  2. Carbon Blue    https://carbonblue.cc/
  3. CL Circular      https://www.clcircular.com
  4. Seadar            https://seadar.blue/
  5. Fjuel                https://fjuel.no/
  6. EME                  https://www.excessmaterialsexchange.com
  7. HalioGen Power https://haliogen-power.com/
  8. Omniwind        https://www.omniwindtech.com/
  9. SEAO2                        https://www.seao2.com/
  10. Nauti                https://nauti.one/

About PortXL:

PortXL is a leading maritime innovator based in Rotterdam. Through its extensive network and expertise, PortXL empowers maritime start-ups and scale-ups to scale their innovations and accelerate their growth. PortXL acts as a stimulant for collaboration and innovation within the maritime ecosystem by connecting innovators with industry experts and mentors.



In addition to many partners in the maritime ecosystem, PortXL is supported by the following official programme partners:

  • Van Oord (lead partner)
  • Port of Rotterdam (lead partner)
  • Damen Shipyards Group
  • City of Rotterdam
  • GTT (France)
  • MINDbase (Ministry of Defence)

Masterclass: Innovator in a Day

PortXL’s mission is to create an innovation ecosystem by connecting big and small organizations operating within a port cluster. We are known for scouting and coaching start-ups and scale-ups. This has led to many collaborations with established companies, experiments, business growth and a wealth of experience and knowledge.

Over the years we have identified many points of success and failure for companies wanting to innovate and learn about Open Innovation Management. Innovator in a Day is a quarterly, one-day program to help drive industry growth and cultivate change in the maritime industry – and your company.

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