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Sagarmala Scheme providing financial assistance to 8 projects worth Rs. 273 Cr. in the State of Kerala

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NEW DELHI : Sagarmala is the flagship Central Sector Scheme of the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways to promote port-led development in the country through harnessing India’s 7,500 km long coastline, and 14,500 km of potentially navigable waterways. Under the Sagarmala Scheme, the Ministry provides financial assistance to State/UT Governments for Port infrastructure projects, Coastal berth projects, Road & Rail projects, fishing harbours, skill development projects, Coastal community development, cruise terminal and projects such as Ro-Pax ferry services. Ministry has till date undertaken 119 projects at a total Cost of Rs. 9407 Cr. for partial funding under Sagarmala Scheme. Out of these, 72 projects have been completed till date.

The projects under Sagarmala Scheme are categorized into five pillars – port modernization, port connectivity, port-led industrialization, coastal community development and coastal shipping & inland water transport. 

Ministry under Sagarmala Scheme is providing financial assistance to 8 projects worth Rs. 273 cr. in the State of Kerala. The detailed of the projects undertaken in the State of Kerala pillar wise is provided in Annexure-I.

Annexure –I

List of projects in Kerala under Sagarmala Scheme

S.noName of ProjectProject PillarTotal project Cost (Rs. In Cr.)MoPSW share (Rs. In Cr.)Status
1.Refurbishment and Capacity enhancement of  Coastal liquid terminal -COT and NTB at CoPTPort Modernization20.0014.96Completed
2.Construction of Multipurpose Coastal Berth at KollamCoastal Shipping and IWT19.007.24Completed
3.Construction of Fishing Harbour at Thalai in Kannur District in KeralaCoastal Community Development35.006.90Completed
4.Construction of Mini Fishing Harbour Chettuva in Thrissur District in KeralaCoastal Community Development30.004.68Completed
5.Coastal Districts Skill Development Program – Phase 2 -KeralaCoastal Community Development25.0223.86Under Implementation
6.Reconstruction of South Coal Berth at Cochin Port for handling chemicalsPort Modernization17.708.85Completed
7.Fisheries Harbour at Cochin portCoastal Community Development113.3250.00Under Implementation
8.Development of RORO facilities for handling propylene and other cargo at Cochin PortCoastal Shipping and IWT12.4612.46Completed
TOTAL 272.50  

This information was given by the Union Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Shri Sarbananda Sonowal in a written reply to the Lok Sabha.

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