Steps taken to ease delay in movement of containers/trailers at Cochin Port
DP World, which runs the international container transhipment terminal (ICTT) at Cochin Port Trust, has agreed to unload export containers in a dummy stack in case the stack cut off is preponed or the stack is not opened for the next vessel.
Steamer Agents’ Association also agreed to have the same arrangement by advising their members, according to a solution thrashed out at a meeting called to resolve delay in movement of containers/trailers at the terminal on Monday.
The meeting was attended by office bearers of CCBA, CBTA, CSAA, ICTT officials and Customs Deputy Commissioner.
At the meeting, Customs have assured that the officers would be available for continuous movement of containers.
Vessel clearance activities will not disrupt the gate operations. During lunch break, there is a need for relievers to avoid closure of the gate for 45 minutes and deployment of two officers at the bubble gate would help in expediting the clearance at the bubble gate.
The customs assured that they will internally discuss and if possible, post additional headcount to make it happen. Till this happens, lunch break will continue but will be fixed at the same time and duration for Bubble gate and scanner division.
Customs also assured to revisit the Trade Facility Notice No. 31/2013 of 29/10/2013 to reduce difficulties faced by the Trade.
Undue delays will be avoided by DP world by deploying additional resources where needed. In the event of undue delays, the driver will be allowed to park his truck at the designated parking.
“In view of this, CCBA and CBTA members have been requested to urge their staff/drivers to start the work at the terminal immediately,” a statement from CCBA said after the meeting.