TERI to launch green-shipping portal, policy briefs for sustainable, climate-resilient practices
NEW DELHI : During the World Sustainable Development Summit in New Delhi this week, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) will launch a green-shipping portal to track practices by ports across the country and collate all information available at national and international levels for ports and shipping practices.
At the summit, which will take place in New Delhi from 7-9 February, TERI will also release policy briefs on sustainable development goal (SDG) blueprints, which will focus on the issue of sustainable agriculture, linkages with other SDGs, and efficient use of water.
It is also expected to sign a memorandum of understanding with Cenergist for transfer of technology to strengthen India’s initiative for the International Solar Alliance. Cenergist is a consultancy in the UK that helps clients reduce carbon emissions and water consumption to meet their sustainability goals and comply with regulation.
Dr. Vibha Dhawan, Director-General of TERI, said on Monday, “We will launch a publication called Solutions for Sustainable Development. This is very important because you must look into what sustainable practices should be brought into the public domain. There are many who will benefit from this publication.”
“We are also bringing out a policy brief on the SDG blueprint, focusing on the issue of sustainable agriculture, and linkages, synergies and trade-offs with other SDGs. It will be part of a larger project that we are doing on climate-resilient sustainable agriculture. Another policy brief will address water-use efficiency at the industry level.”
The SDG blueprint policy brief will be released on the first day of the summit, while the water-policy brief will be made public on day 2, during the last plenary session.
“We will also launch a green-shipping portal during the conference,” Dhawan said. “We are trying to put everything in one place, including all information related to ports and shipping , making it available at the national and international level, and tracking practices followed by different ports.”
Green Shipping is a collaborative programme launched by TERI to assist the National Centre of Excellence in Green Ports and Shipping. Set up by the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, the centre aims to undertake innovative research on commercially viable biofuel and biochemical technological solutions, as well as energy-saving and renewable-energy solutions specific to ports and ships.
The programme undertakes cutting-edge research around the development and demonstration of sustainable and cleaner fuel technologies and chemicals. It also undertakes integrated sustainability assessment frameworks and life-cycle tools for evaluating benefits from energy transitions and resource-efficient circular-economy practices in agriculture, shipping, automotive, packaging, steel, and other key sectors.
Additionally, TERI will sign an MoU with Cenergist to partner with it on technology for solar energy. “Technology for solar has matured but then there are other technologies in other countries which are more friendly. So, we are signing an MoU with Cenergist to investigate technologies available elsewhere. With this partnership, the International Solar Alliance could be strengthened,” Dhawan added.
The International Solar Alliance, launched at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris by the President of France in November 2015, is an initiative proposed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to reduce dependence on non-renewable sources of energy such as fossil fuels.
At the 23rd edition of the World Sustainable Development Summit, TERI said it was looking forward to thought-provoking discussions, innovative solutions, and an exploration of the role of world leaders in advancing sustainable development on a global scale.
WSDS, the annual flagship event organised by TERI since 2001, is the only independently convened international summit on sustainable development and environment in the Global South. WSDS 2024 will explore the theme of ‘Leadership for Sustainable Development and Climate Justice’.