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US Tariffs on Chinese built ships and fleets

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LONDON : The Club has been receiving enquiries and requests for draft charter clauses from members about the proposed U.S. ‘Make Shipbuilding Great Again’ Order and potential imposition of port charges/tariffs on Chinese built/operated ships/fleets.

The U.S. Trade Representative has proposed these actions in response to its perception of Chinese dominance in the maritime, logistics and ship-building sectors, and with the aim of reinvigorating the American shipbuilding industry.

The proposed measures have not yet been finalised or enacted and are open for public comment until 24 March 2025. Therefore, the specifics and time frames and implications for international shipping are presently unclear. There have been responses in the public consultation from throughout the maritime industry, which can be found at this link.

NorthStandard’s Gina Venezia has provided some commentary on the early official briefings on this issue and her article with further details can be found here: The U.S. Trade Representative Proposes Trade Actions Against Chinese-Built Ships and Maritime Operators | NorthStandard | Marine Insurance.

A further briefing on how the Order might affect members and advice on how to deal with issues arising under charterparties will follow in due course after the end of the public consultation, and when it becomes clearer what measures will be implemented. In the meantime, NorthStandard has set up a Team to help co-ordinate responses to members’ enquiries and are monitoring the situation.

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