Visakhapatnam port handles record quantity of alumina
VISAKHAPATNAM : Visakhapatnam Port Authority shares “A record quantity of 7,639 Metric Tonnes with a gang hook output of 637 MT CALCINED ALUMINA in bulk of M/S. UTKAL ALUMINA INTERNATIONAL LTD was loaded into m.v HPC FUTURE Vessel at East Quay-3 on 1st December 2023 duly surpassing their own record quantity of 7,549 M.Tonnes”, during November, 2023.
This is a remarkable Hat-trick performance by the Stevedores M/s. SRAVAN SHIPPING SERVICES PVT LTD, and M/s. ESHWAR SHIPPING SERVICES being the Steamer Agents for the vessel which is an all Time Record creation during the year 2023-24.
Dr. M. Angamuthu, IAS, Chairperson, VPA, commended the Stevedores and the Steamer Agents, and also Shri B. Ratna Sekhara Rao, Traffic Manager, VPA and his Team for the record performance and stated that VPA Management would extend it’s support and opined that many more record performances would be achieved in the years to come duly making VPA reach the targets of the Ministry.
The information is officially communicated by Shri T. Venu Gopal, Secretary, Visakhapatnam Port Authority.