Vizhinjam International Seaport’s trial run of cargo operations will begin from May onwards
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM : The trial run of cargo handling operations at Vizhinjam International Seaport will start by the end of May 2024.
Yard and ship-to-shore cranes brought to the port from China will be used to carry out the operations of loading and unloading cargo from two container ships on a trial basis. The port company officials revealed that they had made the necessary arrangements, including appointment of technical experts, to conduct the trial run.
The port requires 32 cranes, including 24-yard cranes and eight ship-to-shore cranes. The cranes have been brought to the port from China since last August.
Along with this, Zhenhua-35 (a Chinese heavy load carrier ship), which came back from China with cranes, reached the outer sea with four-yard cranes and two ship-to-shore cranes. After receiving all necessary approvals, the ship was allowed to dock with the help of the technical team.
The authorities said that the port is now equipped with 20-yard cranes and six ship-to-shore cranes. The required four-yard cranes and two shipto-shore cranes will be delivered by the second week of May.