VPA signs concession agreement for semi-mechanisation of WQ-6 berth with Integrated Cargo Terminal on PPP Mode
VISAKHAPATNAM : Visakhapatnam Port under the dynamic leadership of Dr. M. Angamuthu, IAS, Chairperson, Visakhapatnam Port Authority is implementing the Asset Monetization to become landlord Port.
Visakhapatnam Port has signed Concession Agreement on 26.03.2024 for the PPP Project “Revamping of existing West Quay – 6 (WQ-6) Terminal in the Northern arm of Inner Harbour at Visakhapatnam Port for handling all types of Dry Bulk Cargo on DBFOT basis” with the Concessionaire M/s. Integrated Cargo Terminal Private Limited, a subsidiary SPV of Orissa Stevedores Limited (OSL Group). Chairperson, VPA, informed that this facility would add more throughputs to the Port of Visakhapatnam.
The proposed facility is Semi-mechanization of the existing WQ-6 Berth with a Berth length of 255 Mtrs. with a draft of 14.00 Mtrs. and can cater upto 210 Mtrs. LoA Vessels. The Project envisages installation of 02 Nos. new Harbour Mobile Crane (HMC) of 1200 TPH with lifting capacity of 100 T, 02 Nos. of Mobile Hoppers, Stock pile strengthening, installation of dust suppression system with monitors, electrical works, STP works along with other handling equipment i.e. Cranes, Loaders, Trucks, Fork lifts etc. with an total investment of Rs.165.70 Crores. The facility can handle all types of dry bulk cargos with handling capacity of 5.18 MMTPA. The Terminal proposed has an in built advantage of having back up area of 2.5 acres adjacent to the Berth for temporary storage of cargo and about 12.5 acres of stack yard within 2 KM from the Berth front.
The entire construction work including installation of new HMC and other project facilities is likely to complete within 18 months from the date award of concession. The total Concession Period is 30 years.
The proposed facility is likely to generate employment to at least 100 direct and indirect employment.
Shri T. VenuGopal, Secretary, VPA has officially communicated the above information.