DPT organised Mega Mock Drill on Earthquake
GANDHIDHAM : A Mega Mock Drill on the theme earthquake was organized on 27.07.21 at 1100 hrs by CISF Unit DPT Kandla in association with DPT Kandla at abandoned building near Cargo Berth Number 15 Gate in coordination with 6th BN NDRF, DPT Fire team, DPT Medical team, IFFCO and Kandla Marine Police. At the outset, the CISF Cargo Berth Number 15 Gate In-charge informed CISF Control Room that due to earthquake, building near Berth Number 15 Gate was collapsed and 15 victims are trapped.
Accordingly, the Control Room In-charge immediately activated all concerned agencies and informed the same to Unit Commander, Chairman, Dy. Chairman, Dy. Conservator, Chief Engineer, Chief Mechanical Engineer, Traffic Manager, Chief Medical Officer, Signal Station In-charge, DPT Fire and District administration. The DPT Management in response called 6th BN NDRF, Vadodara and informed about the incident. CISF contingency reserve reached the spot and cordoned the site of disaster and emergency siren was raised for evacuation. All the operations of the Port were completely stopped by Traffic Department and the evacuation of men and vehicles were made unidirectional by allowing them exit and all the incoming movement was also stopped except service vehicles. All building I/c or Site I/c done head count at assembly area found numbers of victim.
Meanwhile DPT Fire and Medical team reached the site. NDRF team also reached and taken charge and Command Post, Medical Post and Communication Post was established near to the site. The Commander of the NDRF team taken briefing from Unit Commander of CISF Unit DPT Kandla (first responder) and made announcement to communicate and locate the victims in the building. DPT Fire team doused the fire. CE department cleared the approach road. Few victims were evacuated by the help of NDRF personnel by walk and on stretcher and given first-aid. A victim was trapped in collapsed structure which was carefully cut and then victim was rescued. Few victims were trapped on top floor of the building which was rescued by NDRF team by rope slithering. By this way, all the 15 victims were safely evacuated. Among 15 disaster survivors, the minor affected were given medical first aid and those critically injured were sent to Government Hospital Rambagh after stablising themselves and giving first-aid.
After this, all the team leaders have completed their assigned task and given ok reports of their operation to the Incident Commander who then declared the Mega Mock Drill as closed and taken permission from the Observer. Commandant Shri Abhijeet Kumar was present as an Observer of this drill. Captain Pradeep Mohanty Dy. Conservator DPT along with Smt. Kalindi Gandhi CMO DPT, Shri G. R. V. Prasad Rao Traffic Manager DPT, Shri Sushil Nahak Dy. CME, Shri Sashikant Jadhav Harbour Master DPT, Shri Bhavesh Gadhvi Port Safety Officer, Shri Aseem Chakraborty Fire-cum Safety Officer DPT, Lt. Col. (Rtd) Amit Kumar Chief Security Officer of IFFCO Kandla and all Assistant Traffic Managers, were also present on the occasion to witness the Mock Drill.
Employee of Traffic Department, Fire Section, CE, CME and Medical team were participated in the Mock drill. By doing this, coordination, familiarization, sense of security, confidence generated in all stake holders. Capt. Pradeep Mohanty, Deputy Conservator praised the specialised NDRF team and all concerned who have taken pain to make this event successful & involved in this Joint Mock Drill. Shri Abhijeet Kumar, Commandant has given his observation & vote of thanks to all guest, NDRF team, DPT Management, DPT Fire team, CE team, DPT Medical team for their active participation and making the Mega Mock Drill successful. The following strength participated in mock drill.
1) 6th BN NDRF – 31, 2) DPT Fire team – 15, 3) CISF – 35, 4) DPT Management – 25, 5) Kandla Marine Police – 05
6) IFFCO Management – 04, 7) Media – 02, 8) Traffic Department – 15, 9) CE – 05 = Total – 137
Source : DPT