ONE to host ‘Container Shipping Summit’ to be held in Dejima, Nagasaki
SINGAPORE : Ocean Network Express (ONE) Pte.Ltd. will host a “Container Shipping Summit” on March 16 at Dejima, located in Nagasaki of Japan, in collaboration with Nagasaki City, Anchor Ship Partners
The container shipping industry is becoming more complex against the backdrop of diversification of
customers’ needs, uncertainty over the global economic outlook, tensions in international affairs as
well as global climate change. With the resulting emergence of new technologies and solutions,
ONE will host “Container Shipping Summit”.
The Summit will invite leading academic experts in various fields, including Environmental, Social,
and Governance (ESG), shipping, supply chain and ship engineering, to discuss mainly two themes:
‘The future of container shipping with an ESG perspective’ and ‘Technologies that will change the
future of container shipping’.
Dejima, built in 1636, was open to the world and a meeting place for the most advanced cultures of
the time. The aim of the summit in Dejima is to replicate such sharing of diverse opinions,
knowledge, and the sharing of expertise between stakeholders.
The summit is organized by Ocean Network Express Pte.Ltd. in cooperation with the City of Nagasaki, Anchor Ship Partners Co., Ltd., KOZO KEIKAKU ENGINEERING Inc.
The statement of the summit reads as follows.
Contributing to a sustainable society through container shipping Drinks, clothes, furniture and building materials.
We don’t usually think about it, but we are all surrounded by things that have been transported by container vessels.
In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent global logistics disruption, many people are now aware of the importance of the supply chain and its direct impact on worldwide social and economic
infrastructure. Infectious diseases are not the only problem which can frustrate the supply chain. Tensions in international affairs as well as global climate change are adding to the complexities’ surrounding container shipping.
Container shipping is becoming increasingly complex in this modern era.
In order to prevail over such changing circumstances, container shipping must refine its technology.
Working on digital transformations and engineering technologies to achieve industry objectives such as
decarbonization and combating climate change, is not a benefit for container shipping lines, or the chosen few, but for the lives of people everywhere and the future of our beloved planet.
Ocean Network Express believes that we can be the bridge between Singapore, Japan, and the rest of the
world, working with industry leaders, academia, and other stakeholders. It is our objective to organize specific events for the industry, to come together and address wide ranging issues affecting the sustainability of the supply chain and the global community and jointly find a resolve.
The venue for the event is Dejima in Nagasaki.
Dejima, built in 1636, was open to the world and a meeting place for the most advanced cultures of the time.
Together with all participants, let’s unveil the hidden potential of the container industry and our contribution to the world. Why don’t you join us and help to create a positive change in the world?