Port of Rotterdam chooses new representative in Austria, Switzerland and CEE

The Port of Rotterdam has appointed Howard Lamb as the new representative in Austria, Switzerland and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), who will take on duties on 1 January of the next year.
As Rotterdam representative, Lamb will be the personal contact for carriers, shippers, forwarders, industry associations and authorities in Austria, Switzerland, CEE and the Mediterranean region. He will also focus on the further expansion of relations and will represent the interests of the busiest European port.
Lamb holds more than 35 years of international logistics experience. Prior to joining the Port of Rotterdam Authority, he has worked for Maersk and InterRail AG, while during his latest position was the CEO and Head of Logistics for MOL Austria Handels GmbH, a major oil and gas company based in Hungary.
Howard Lamb will take over the responsibilities of Franz Zauner, who has worked for 17 years in the Port of Rotterdam Authority and for over 30 years for Rotterdam-based logistics companies in the field of short and deep sea, inland shipping and rail transport, including 25 years as an independent entrepreneur.
Zauner played an important role in setting up numerous rail connections between Rotterdam and Austria, such as the Hybrid Zug and, most recently, the shuttle between Wolfurt and Rotterdam.
“We are pleased to have found an excellent successor for Franz, and we would like to thank Franz for his relentless dedication and loyal service,” stated Matthijs van Doorn, Director Supply Chain and Logistics of the Port of Rotterdam Authority.
“With the continuation of our local representation, we can optimally support and assist customers with their logistics challenges,” he added.