PSA signs statement of support to accelerate decarbonisation of the freight industry

SINGAPORE : As a member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Supply Chain & Transport CEO community, PSA has signed a statement of support committing to the joint effort in decarbonising the freight industry, alongside 15 other industry partners and stakeholders. This signifies PSA’s continued commitment to sustainable trade and contributing to a net-zero future.
Across many sectors including the transport and shipping industry, it has become clear that Scope 3 emissions – those from supply chain operations, including the transport of goods – can make up as much as 90 per cent of an organisation’s carbon footprint. This provides the freight industry with a significant demand-driven opportunity to accelerate the sector’s decarbonisation efforts.
Recognising the challenge of limited green products and services in the logistics sector, the WEF Supply Chain & Transport CEO community developed a proposal supporting the pooling of green demand to accelerate the net zero transition through two mutually reinforcing mechanisms: 1) support for multi-modal buyer club models, and 2) development of one industry standard for book and claims carbon credit accounting, for all modes of freight transport.
The Supply Chain & Transport Industry Statement of Support for Green Demand Alliances and a Book & Claims Standard to accelerate decarbonisation of the freight industry was announced at the 2021 United Nations climate change conference, COP26, in Glasgow.
Through this Statement of Support, supply chain and transport industry leaders send a strong signal of the sector’s interest to accelerate the zero-emission future through a demand-driven approach, and industry collaboration.