Samudera enhances its network in Vietnam
SINGAPORE : Samudera Shipping Line has joined a growing list of carriers that are expanding their services to Vietnam.
On 11 June, the Singapore-based feeder operator started the Central Vietnam Service (CVS) to connect Singapore with Da Nang and Qui Nhon in Central Vietnam. The company will deploy the 1,060TEU vessel, Sinar Bandung on the CVS, which has a 10-day turnaround.
CMA CGM’s intra-Asia unit, Cheng Lie Navigation (CNC Line), Ocean Network Express (ONE) and COSCO Shipping Lines will co-load on this new loop, marketing it HSF2, NVS and CVS respectively.
Vietnam continues to generate more containerised exports leading a number of carriers to expand their South East Asian connections. Volumes between East Asia and South East Asia, especially Vietnam, increased after US-China trade tensions caused manufacturers to shift some production from China to Vietnam.
Meanwhile, Samudera will discontinue the NVS2 and NVS3 services in which it buys slots on CNC Line’s HSF1 service connecting Singapore, Hai Phong and Da Nang and the latter carrier’s HSF3 service, a shuttle between Singapore and Hai Phong.
Samudera is also dropping calls at Qui Nhon in its NVS1 service that it co-operates with COSCON. Since June, the service has been changed to a weekly service between Singapore and Hai Phong in Northern Vietnam.
Source : Container News