Shipping companies express interest in providing services between Kerala and Dubai Ports
KOCHI : Several shipping companies from Goa and the middle east have shown interest in starting services between Beypore-Kochi Ports and Mina Rashid Port in Dubai.
Earlier, the Malabar Development Council approached several shipping companies seeking affordable transportation services for Malayalis travelling between Kerala and other Gulf countries.
Following this, several companies from Goa and Dubai conducted studies and invested time to inspect proposed ports before offering services. Travel by sea has become a viable option for Malayalis abroad due to the recent increase in airfares.
However, the final decision over introducing such services requires permission from state and union governments. Meantime, talks were held between the Malabar Development Council and port authorities in Kochi, Beypore and Dubai. Malabar Development Council president CE Chakkunni and UAE regional convener CA Beauty Prasad requested the state government and NORKA to launch shipping services from the state.
Chakkunni and UAE regional convener CA Beauty Prasad requested the state government and NORKA to launch shipping services from the state.
Meanwhile, ticket fares have skyrocketed in recent months after Air India withdrew many services from the state and adopted Air India Express services in Kozhikode. As a result, several flights to the Middle East were cut down in numbers, leading to a sudden hike in ticket fares.