Singapore’s PIL meeting demands for sea transportation of goods amidst pandemic and sustainability drive

SINGAPORE : One of Pacific International Lines’ (PIL) magnificent 11,800 TEU P Class, built in 2019 and among the largest vessels in PIL’s fleet, called at Singapore in July 2021, en route to Brazil from China.

On this particular voyage, the ship was fully loaded, reflecting PIL’s capability in meeting the current demand for sea transportation around the world. It also shows the importance of shipping lines like PIL contributing to the fight against Covid-19. Among the cargo carried by the vessel were containers of Covid-related products, including disinfectants, sanitising and cleaning products, as well as medical supplies.
The vessel also carried a large shipment of solar panels, destined for Brazil for use as the country’s renewable sources of energy.
PIL’s commitment to meet customers’ needs has always been central to its business philosophy. This is especially crucial with the ongoing disruptions in the global supply chain caused by congestion at ports around the world. The pandemic has significantly altered the work flow of ports and terminals, giving rise to challenges such as lack of landside facilities and delayed changing of crew. As PIL moves into its next phase of growth, it is focusing on customer satisfaction more than ever as it works round the clock to fulfill a demanding schedule to keep the global supply chain moving.
Source : helix PR