Allcargo, ECU Worldwide bring 6,000 oxygen cylinders from China on Delhi Govt’s request
MUMBAI : Over the last two weeks, responding to requests from the Delhi state government, and its subsidiary ECU Worldwide have set up an emergency response team to arrange charter aircraft, mobilise customs at origin and destination to fly in 6,000 oxygen cylinders from China in 8 chartered flights to ease the oxygen supply situation in the NCR region.
The oxygen cylinders were transported in eight chartered flights from Shanghai, with Allcargo and ECU Worldwide responsible for arranging flights at origin
in a period of high demand at short notice, landing rights permissions from the Chinese civil aviation ministry in coordination with the Indian embassy in Beijing, clearance at origin and destination and final delivery to site, entirely on a not-for-profit basis.
The project was supported by Give India Foundation, a leading NGO, and Luxfer Uttam India.
Mr. Vaishnav Shetty, Executive Director, ECU Worldwide, said: “These 6,000 oxygen cylinders for Delhi will help ease the pressure, and I am proud we have been able to coordinate the logistics of a very complex task at such short notice. Our partnership with the Maharashtra government too has been fruitful, and we have been called in to help multiple times to support transporting oxygen concentrators and masks from other countries.”
Earlier in April, Allcargo had flown in 500 oxygen concentrators from Singapore to Maharashtra in April on a not-for-profit basis after Maharashtra health minister Rajesh Tope reached out to Allcargo chairman Shashi Kiran Shetty. To meet the rising demand in the state, Allcargo has also shipped two million masks from Singapore for the Maharashtra state government. It will also be shipping another one million masks by air from the USA, China and other countries.
Source : ET