Deendayal Port Authority held its First Board Meeting of 2023-24, discusses Port’s overall development
GANDHIDHAM : The First Meeting of the Board of Deendayal Port Authority, of 2023-24 was held on 06-04-2023. The following members, apart from Shri Sanjay K. Mehta, IFS the Chairman, attended the meeting under the chairmanship of Chairman-DPA:
1) Shri Nandeesh Shukla, IRTS, Dy. Chairman-DPA
2) Shri Sushil Kumar Singh, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Ports,
Shipping R Waterways. (VIRTUALLY)
3) Shri T. V. Ravi, IRS. Commissioner of Customs.
4) Shri Narendra A Patil, IRTS, Chief Freight Transportation
Manager, W.R. (VIRTUALLY)
5) Comd. Nitin Bishnoi, Naval Officer-In-Charge
The following important items, inter alia, were considered by the Board: –
➢ Relaxation on the monthly Electricity consumption to Sarvajanik Navratri Mitra Mandal, Gopalpuri.
➢ Hiring of 02 nos. 60 T Bollard pull tugs for Deendayal Port, Kandla for the period of 10 years, extendable for one year.
➢ Ratification of action taken by the Administration for grant of N.O.C. for mortgage of lease hold land bearing plot nos. 52 admeasuring 15000.00 sq.mtrs allotted, on 30 years lease in favour of Small Industries Development Bank of India, Gandhidham.
➢ N.O.C for mortgage of lease hold land bearing Plot no. 38 admeasuring 18750.00 sq.mtrs allotted, on 30 years lease in favour of Small Industries Development Bank of India, Gandhidham.
➢ Sprinkling system inside cargo jetty area for coal dust suppression in coal yard”- approval of anticipated variation statement & extension of time limit.
➢ Ratification of action taken by the administration for grant of N.O.C. for mortgage of lease hold land bearing Plot no. 13 admeasuring 14550.00 sq. mtrs allotted, on 30 years lease in favour of Central Bank of India, Mid Corporate Finance Branch, Ahmedabad.
➢ Work Assigned on Nomination Basis to the Gujarat Environment Management Institute, Gandhinagar (An Autonomous Institute of Government of Gujarat) for obtaining EC & CRZ Clearance for the projectof “Construction of Multipurpose Cargo Berth no. 17 at Deendayal Port Trust, Kandla” – Information to the Board about work concluded.
➢ Development of Multipurpose Cargo (Other than Container/Liquid) berth off Tekra outside Kandla creek – Handling of Cape Size Vessel on Proposed Terminal.
➢ Work Assigned on Nomination Basis to The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi for “Transition of Business Operations to Water Neutrality – Water Neutrality of Deendayal Port, Kandla (Phase I – Study & Assessment)”.
➢ Development of Marine Liquid Terminal facilities consisting of SPM & two product jetties in KPT waters at OOT, Vadinar, Deendayal Port on captive use basis – Resolution of dispute between Deendayal Port Authority and M/s Coviva Energy Terminals Limited through conciliation & settlement process.
➢ Item for Information to Board regarding action taken to appoint the technical advisor of NTCPWC (IITM) on Nomination basis for the work of “Providing support to facilitate operation and maintenance of augmented liquid cargo handling capacity by revamping of existing pipeline network at oil jetty area, Deendayal Port Authority Kandla”
➢ Work Assigned On Nomination Basis To Gujarat Environment Management Institute, Gandhinagar (An Autonomous Institute of Government Of Gujarat) For “Carrying Out Fresh Baseline Study For A Period Of One Season (March-To-May)” in Connection with the DPA Proposal
“Augmentation of Liquid Cargo Handling Capacity From 8 MMTPA To 23.8 MMTPA Through Modernization of Existing Pipeline Network At Oil Area, Deendayal Port Trust, Kandla– Environment And CRZ clearance”.
➢ (1). Dredging In Nakti Creek and at Berthing Jetty Of Tuna Bunder For 1 Year At Deendayal Port and (2). Development Of Backup Area And Allied Facilities At The Existing Tuna Barge Jetty.
➢ Development, Operation and Maintenance of Oil Jetty No.09, for handling all types of liquid cargo at Old Kandla, under PPP mode, for a concession period of 30 years –Ratifications to supplemental SFC memo along with altered bidding documents i.e. RFP & DCA along with various RFP extensions.
➢ Proposal for empanelment of Divine Life Hospital, Adipur to provide medical treatment facilities to the Port beneficiaries.
➢ Permission for Laying of 2 Nos 40” Dia. (24” Dia Pipeline + 16” Insulation) LPG Pipeline from Oil Jetty No. 8 To IOCL Kandla Plant And Installation of LPG Import Handling Facility At Oil Jetty No. 8 For Handling of LPG To M/s IOCL”
➢ Development Of Four Lane Road Common Corridor from LC236B To 16th CB Along Railway Line (Phase-I) – Ratification Of Action Taken For Acceptance Of L-I Offer of M/s Hariom Earthmovers & Transport.
➢ Engagement of Shri Prakash G. Shahdadpuri, ex-Assistant Accounts Officer, Deendayal Port Authority in Finance Department as “Accounts Consultant” on contractual basis for a period of one year.
➢ Proposal for approval of “Carrying out the works under Corporate Social Responsibility for the year of 2022-23.”
➢ Funding requirements through equity contribution from shareholders of Kutch Railway Company Limited (KRCL) for completion of ongoing doubling and electrification projects.
➢ Survey-Off the Compact Substation (02 Nos.) installed at AoB, Gandhidham.
➢ Implementation of Special Voluntary Retirement Scheme (SVRS) Approval for the Estimate & DTPs and invitation of tender for the “Capital Dredging at berth pocket of Oil Jetty no. 8, maneuvering area and Kandla Creek Inner (Buoy no. 15A to Oil Jetty No. 8) for future operational requirement from OJ -08 to OJ -11”
➢ Mechanization of Bulk Cargo Handling at DPA- Ph-I: Mechanization of Berth Nos. 8 & 9- approval for Techno Economic Feasibility Report (TEFR) submitted by Technical Consultant of the project as per the
recommendation of Standing Investment Committee dated 30.03.23
➢ Appointment of Project Management Consultant (PMC), for the work of “Build, Operate and Maintain of 10 nos. of 120 T capacity each Automated road weighbridges on Revenue Sharing basis at DPA for a period of 10 years and buy–back of 10 nos. of existing Road weighbridges of DPA”.
➢ Appointment of Knowledge Partner/Consultant for the work of “Design, Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Rapid Rake Loading Systems for dry bulk cargo in cargo jetty area of DPA with five Years Operation & Comprehensive Maintenance Contract” as per direction of Board dt. 16.12.22.
➢ Opening of new Kendriya Vidyalaya under Project Sector at Deendayal Port Authority, Gandhidham.
➢ Widening & Improvement of Existing 2/4-Lanes K.K. Road (Tentative Length: 10 KM).
➢ Development of Oil Jetty to handle Liquid Cargo and Ship Bunkering Facilities at Old Kandla – Status on implementation of the project.
➢ Conversion of leases from Lease-Hold to Free Hold (Residential to Composite)
➢ Approval for Final Extension of time for completion of the “Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Sprinkling System for coal dust suppression in 34-hectare coal yard with five Years Operation & Comprehensive Maintenance Contract.”
Board Meeting was held in a very cordial atmosphere and the Port’s overall development was the main focus of deliberations.