Development of Ports under PPP
NEW DELHI : The powers for establishment of new Major Ports and administrative control of Major Ports are vested with the Central Government. Establishment & administrative control of Non Major Ports are within the purview of respective State Governments. As per the provisions of the Major Port Authorities, Act, 2021, the Boards of the respective Major Ports are authorized to make rules or regulations to develop and provide infrastructure facilities and such other infrastructure in the interest of the Major Port. Major Ports are developing some berths, terminals, oil jetties, etc. on Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode to enhance the operational efficiency. Such projects are awarded through bidding process and the concerned Major Ports enter into Concession Agreement with the successful bidder for a specific period.
This information was given by Union Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways Shri Sarbananda Sonowal in a written reply in Rajya Sabha on Monday,9th August.
Source : PIB